Tuesday, March 11, 2008

RSS and Library Patrons

How do you think you could use RSS feeds at your library? How do you think patrons could use RSS feeds?

I work at an academic library. Our college offers certificates, associate degrees, bachelors degrees, and masters degrees.

I think I will start using RSS feeds to keep me updated on news. Before this exercise, I usually subscribed to lists, news, and updates via e-mail. I now feel confident enough to subscribe to the RSS feed option. A big advantage is that my e-mail in-box will be less crowded. Another advantage is that it looks like I can track more and be more precise in my tracking of information.

Some of our patrons - like Deans and Department Chairs might find this option useful. I think many of them might be dissappointed that the article they are interested in is not full text and available with 1 click. I will explore it with some of the faculty I work with more closely.